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Carolina Arboleda


Born in Colombia in 1994, raised in New Jersey

2012- 2016 Studied Fashion Design and Graphic Design at Centenary College NJ





      Since highschool I have become fascinated by fashion and the power clothes can have over an indiviual. Learning how to sew in 2010 gave me a whole new meaning of what I wanted to do when I grew up, I knew I wanted to create beautiful things and make others feel that way. 

     I really enjoy taking on new challenges with fashion because there's so many silhouttes that can come from one basic garment. Mixing and matching one piece into so many different styles is definitely something that inspires me when designing.  I also don't think it's fair that girls get so many options when shopping and guys are still left with only a few racks of clothes to look at, which is why I am becoming more interested in menswear since their fashion needs are just as important.


  College has opened up a love for graphic design that I never knew I had. I have always loved hand drawing which is why I prefer to do illustrations for fashion and portraits by hand because they turn out more detail oriented. When it comes to ads, posters, creating flats or even landscapes Illustrator has become my go to for efficient and creative works. Photoshop is slowly becoming another favorite program of mine since I am now learning more about photography from a fashion perspective. I am always learning and growing especially in the world of art one can never know enough techniques. Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and please contact me for any work you would like to get done.  











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